Lock Defeat Technology LLC is owned and operated by Phil Shearer of Hanover, MA USA, who has been a safe technician for 52 years. Mr Shearer was recognized at an early age as an industry trend-setter by his designs and methods. He began teaching regional safe classes in the 1970s and 1980s for the Massachusetts Locksmiths Association and Yankee Security Convention. His expertise was recognized on a national level by Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA) and the Safe & Vault Technicians Association (SAVTA). He taught over 50 days of classes for 15 years for the Savta convention.
In 1989 and 1990, Mr. Shearer won the expert division of the Lockmaster's International manipulation contest, which is the ability to determine a safe combination by just turning the dial without any additional tools. Mr Shearer was a technical writer for the Savta magazine for many years. In 1996, Mr. Shearer was inducted into the prestigious Safe & Vault Hall of Fame for his contributions to the industry. Since then he has continued to teach classes at an international level on various subjects.
Lock Defeat Technology continues to provide consulting for many different organizations and companies for all phases of lock & safe performance and vulnerabilities. Mr. Shearer has continued to be an in-the-field safe technician which allows him to find solutions to the problems facing other technicians. His innovative tool designs allow other technicians to perform an opening more professionally and more cost effectively.